LM summer 2023

Reminder: June 30 Deadline Fast Approaching for Grant Programs

The Illinois State Board of Education has extended the application deadline for $75 million in new preschool funding to June 30, offering potential providers additional time to submit applications. The Early Childhood Block Grant (ECBG) aims to increase access to preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds across the state and fill critical gaps in underserved areas. ISBE is Early Childhood Block Grant

encouraging providers to apply for this new funding to offer preschool services in the state’s preschool deserts (see list below). The application opened April 17, and the deadline is 4 p.m. on June 30. Below are links to the ECBG Request for Proposals page on the ISBE website, a list of preschool deserts and a short IASA Podcast with State Superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders.

ECBG Request for Proposals

Preschool Deserts List

IASA Podcast with Dr. Tony Sanders

CEP is an alternative to collecting, approving, and verifying household eligibility applications for free and reduced price eligible students in high poverty local educational agencies (LEAs) for schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. The deadline for CEP application submission is traditionally June 30, 2023. In this episode, IASA speaks to Roxanne Ramage, ISBE’s Nutrition Principal Consultant, about the advantages the Community Eligibility Provision

federal program offers to school districts. More information about CEP can be found at https://www.isbe.net/cep or requested via email at cnp@isbe.net.

Listen to IASA Podcast.

27 LM Summer 2023

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