Leadership Matters - March 2013
Special Ed Class size unfunded mandates————————————————
(Continued from page 13)
general education teacher and a special education teacher). School districts have reported an increase in the size of some of its general education classes in order to conform to the 70/30 ratio, particularly in smaller districts or for certain types of coursework offered in departmentalized settings, such as career and technical education. By focusing on class sizes, the current rule may pressure school districts to meet the class size numbers rather than recognize the individual needs of children. The Superintendent’s Toolkit recently released by IASA includes a white paper on this issue. You can access the Toolkit by clicking here . In addition to the Special Education class size issue, we expect language to be forthcoming soon on the issue of the mandate requiring school districts to employ Certified School Nurses. The
Superintendent’s Toolkit also includes a white paper on that issue. We are expecting language that would delay the implementation of that mandate – scheduled for July 1 – and we will certainly be asking for your support on that issue when the time comes.
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