Leadership Matters March 2014
IASA News in Brief
Dunn named president of Southern Illinois University Former State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Randy Dunn has been named president of Southern Illinois University, succeeding Dr. Glenn
Poshard, who is retiring June 30. Dunn served as Illinois State Superintendent of Schools from 2004 to 2006, when he was named president of Murray State University. He currently is president of Youngstown State University in Ohio. Dunn previously was chairman of the Education Administration and Higher Education for SIU, and also has been a teacher, principal and school superintendent at schools in Illinois. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Teacher Education and a master’s degree in Educational Administration and Foundations from Illinois State University and an Ed.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Illinois.
Villa Grove teacher wins state VFW Citizenship Education Teacher Award
dedication and knowledge,” said Villa Grove District 302 Superintendent Dr. Mary Ann Manos, who nominated Osborne. “He has used several long-term projects to show students how important and valuable their freedom is.”
Villa Grove social studies teacher Kyle Osborne has been named winner of the state’s Smart/Maher VFW Citizenship Education Teacher Award for high school teachers. “Mr. Osborne is a wonderful teacher. He has impacted hundreds of young lives with his
Thurman named new superintendent at Riverton District 14 Lance Thurman has been named superintendent of schools at Riverton District 14 beginning July 1. Thurman, a high school principal in the Olympia School District, will succeed Interim Superintendent Fred Roberts.
In Memoriam
Former IASA member Martin E. Getty passed away Wednesday, February 26, 2014. He served in many capacities such as teacher, principal, superintendent and school business official before retiring in 2007.
Through the camera lens: A look into Illinois school districts Share a piece of your district with the rest of us! Leadership Matters invites you to send in photos from your day to day happenings out in the field. Beginning in January, we will highlight photos from IASA members each month. What would you like to share? Photos can be taken using a digital camera or your own mobile phone. Simply email the picture to mbuch@iasaedu.org along with identifying information including category, date, names if applicable, location and anything else you might want to add. Please make sure to list the school district and superintendent as well. If a student is included, please make sure you have a photo release on file.
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