Leadership Matters May 2014 working doc
OpenLetter to IASAmembers regarding theCenter for TaxandBudgetAccountability
Dear IASAColleagues,
TheCenter for Tax andBudget Accountability (CTBA) and itsExecutiveDirector, Ralph Martire, are respectedand sought after voices for public education inSpringfield in the areas of tax, spending, and economic policy. Webecamemembers of theCTBABoardof Directors becauseof our past involvement withCTBAand our belief in itsmission andactive pursuit of theorganization’s goals. CTBA is non-partisan, data-driven, and apre-eminent source for the reliable and relevant analysis of state-wide tax and budget related issues. Illinois’ rank of 50 th in state contributions topublic education exemplifies the need to expand upon and strengthen this unbiased voice in our capitol. JimBroadway, publisher of theStateSchool NewsServicededicatedhisDecember 11, 2013 policy update issue to RalphMartire andCTBA for being anaccurateand truthful voice inSpringfield. Weare seeking the support of our colleagues for the valuable and unique services that Ralph and theCTBAprovide in support of public education in Illinois. Formore thana decade, Ralph has been tireless in advocating for sound tax policies, adequate and equitable school funding, and budgeting and accountability practices that enhance student achievement. For examples of themany outreach efforts that theCenter provides onbehalf of more that 2million Illinois students, visit theCTBAwebsite at http://www.ctbaonline.org/ . These efforts include adequate funding (EFAB), progressive tax policies, and legal pension reform, to name just a few.
Please consider agift of $25, $50, or $100 in order to amplifyCTBA’s voice throughout Illinois. Make your tax deductiblegift at http://www.ctbaonline.org/about/donate .
If you havequestions or would likemore information, feel free to contact either oneof us.
Yours, InSupport of IllinoisPublicSchools,
DavidBonnette Marleis Trover RetiredWest Cook Superintendent IASAPast President CTBABoardof Directors CTBABoard of Directors bonnette.d@sbcglobal.net mamtrover@aol.com
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