Leadership Matters May 2014 working doc
IASANews inBrief
Grants totaling$25millionwereannouncedMay 2 for public elementary and secondary school districts in Illinois to use for enhanced security in their buildings. The grantswill support 1,312projects, including reinforced doors, shatter-resistant glass, physical locks and other securitymeasures that will improve safety for students, staff and visitors. The IllinoisEmergencyManagement Agency (IEMA) announced the IEMAannouncesawards for School SafetyGrants
IllinoisSchool andCampusSafetyGrant Program earlier this year. “Our toppriority for funding was to help schools establisha baseline security capability through suchmeasures as reinforced doors, shatter-resistant glass andphysical locks at primary public entrances,” said IEMADirector JonathonMonken. “Theseare the types of security enhancements experts say can buy valuable time for schools to implement emergency plans.” Click here to view the full list of recipientswith awarded amounts.
PanhandleCommunity Unit District 2 Superintendent and Principal Mr. Chad Langheim passedaway May 2, 2014.
Dr. Samuel Light hasbeen namedSuperintendent at Sherrard CommUnit 200and began his dutiesApril 7. He replaced Becky Rodocker . Dr. RobertWillis has been hired to serve as interim superintendent for Rockton149. Hewill replace Dr. MikeGreenlee beginning July 1. TracyGray has beenhired asAssistant Superintendent at Belleville 118. Shewill replace LynnClapp whowill retire at theend of the school year.
Champaign administrator receivesnational honor LauraTaylor , assistant superintendent at Champaign Unit 4has beennamed2014 Educator of theYear by the Gay, LesbianUStraight EducationNetwork. Shewill be honoredat thegroup’sRespect Awards gala inNewYork.
for building administrators
The IllinoisPrincipalsAssociation is offeringan Assistant Principalsand AdministratorsSummerConference for
AP’s, Deans andPrincipals. This event will takeplace June12-13 at theHilton inLisle. Therearegreat sessions for ALLbuilding administrators and teacher leaders. Sessions including legal issues; coaching teachers; supporting student growth; social media; bullying; PERA; Danielson; andmuchmorewill beoffered. Click here or go to www.ilprincipals.org or call 217-525-1383. Please encourage your building administrators andeducators toattend!
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