Leadership Matters - May 2015
Meet your 2015 Superintendents of Distinction
Paula Hawley Pikeland CUSD 10/ Two Rivers
“I’m very honored to be selected by my peers for this award. They continually provide me with support and motivation in the profession. They force me to learn, grow, and excel every day and for that I am thankful. I was born and raised in the Pikeland community, and I am fortunate to work with a Board of Education, staff and community that values education.”
Marilyn Holt East Richland CUSD 1/ Wabash Valley “I am honored and humbled to have been selected by my peers for this award. I thank all of the Wabash Valley Region members, the Illinois Association of School Administrators, the Illinois State Board of Education, and the wonderful mentors that I have had throughout my many years in education. This award is shared with our Board of Education as well as our students, staff, parents, and the Richland County community. They are the ones who are ‘distinguished!’ It has been my honor to serve them these past 13 years!”
Dr. Lori James-Gross Unity Point School District 140/ Shawnee “ It’s always a great honor and very humbling to be recognized by your peers – especially considering I know how hard they work within their own districts. It was a very pleasant surprise.”
Daniel Marenda LaSalle Elementary School District 122/ Starved Rock
“I am honored to be selected for this distinction, especially because it is a recognition that comes from my peers in the superintendency. The Starved Rock Region has an outstanding group of superintendents, any one of whom would be deserving of special recognition. I appreciate having the opportunity to work together with them and for them as their representative on the IASA Board of Directors and AASA Governing Board for the betterment of schools in Illinois and the nation. I would also like to acknowledge my Board of Education, staff and students who I consider equal recipients of this honor as all of the accomplishments at LaSalle Elementary Schools have truly been a team effort.”
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