Leadership Matters - October 2013
IASA News in Brief
Common Visions, Common Goals Conference to be held October 17
November 15, 2013 is School Board Members Day in Illinois The Illinois Association of School Boards has developed a variety of activities and supporting materials to observe “School Board Members Day” to help build community awareness and highlight the crucial role between community and school boards. Please take the time to visit IASB’s website here and determine which activities would suit your efforts. The information is free and can be downloaded and used by the appropriate district personnel to contact their community leaders, business partners and local civic or parent groups to join in recognition efforts. For more information, contact Linda Dawson at 217.528.9688, ext. 1104, or at ldawson@iasb.com .
Looking ahead to an era of new standards and assessments, the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), and the Center for the Study of Education Policy (CSEP) at Illinois State University are hosting a one day conference on Thursday, October 17, 2013, Common Visions, Common Goals , at Illinois State University’s Bone Student Center. This conference is an opportunity to build on the progress of IBHE and ISBE Title II professional development partnerships and to discuss preparations in Illinois schools, colleges, and universities for the enhanced requirements created as a result of the new standards and assessments. These new teaching and learning standards and assessments fundamentally change the way we think about our education system, with multiple implications for PK12 and postsecondary institutions that prepare teachers and provide graduate and in-service professional learning opportunities for Illinois educators. The conference features two internationally known researchers with knowledge of the Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers: Dr. James Pellegrino, Co- Director of the Center for the Study of Learning, Instruction, and Teacher Development and Dr. Timothy Shanahan, Director of the Center for Literacy. Both speakers are professors at the University of Illinois-Chicago. For additional information, click here .
Illinois Solar and Wind Energy Rebate Program is now open The focus of the Solar and Wind Energy Rebate Program, through the State's Renewable Energy Resources Program, is to encourage utilization of smaller-scale solar and wind energy systems in Illinois. Eligible applicants include homeowners, businesses, public sector and non-profit entities who are customers of an electric or gas utility that impose the Renewable Energy Resources and Coal Technology Development Assistance Charge. Applications, guidelines and highlights can all be found on the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity website here . The Solar and Wind Rebate Program contact is Wayne Hartel who can be reached at 217/785-3420 or wayne.hartel@illinois.gov . ISBE accepting nominations for Outstanding School Board President The Illinois State Board of Education is accepting nominations for the Thomas Lay Burroughs Award for the State’s Outstanding School Board President. The deadline to nominate someone is October 18. Please click here for additional information on the nomination process.
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