Leadership Matters Summer 2015
End of Year Happenings
Woodridge 68 William F. Murphy Elementary School in Woodridge School District 68 celebrates its Million Word Readers, students who have read at least 1 million words over the school year. One student read 6 million!
Naperville 203 What’s APPening at Ranch View Elementary School? Students teaching parents about technology in the classroom.
East Alton-Wood River 14 Students from East Alton-Wood River cleaned up a playground at a local charity, the Community Hope Center in nearby Cottage Hills. Students are required to perform 10 hours of community service per year at EAWR. This work was very much appreciated by the staff at the center. This playground had fallen into disrepair and parts of it were becoming overgrown. Our students did a great job, as well as our sponsors, Principal Leigh Robinson and Assistant Principal Kevin Gockel.
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