Leadership Matters Summer 2015
End of Year Happenings
End of Y ar Happenings
Decatur Public Schools 61 Ronald McDonald presented a magic show visit for our end of the year celebration at Pershing Early Learning Center.
Maercker 60 A group of Westview’s 6th grade students from Mrs. Siler’s E Period partnered with EL students from Ms. Savic’s class at Holmes to help them meet expectations from the Common Core Learning Standards. The 6th grade students recorded books using the Shadow Puppet App, and then posted them to the EL’s Edmodo group so they could research American Contributors in order to write individual informational pieces. Students worked together to summarize and paraphrase what they learned, as well as identify different parts of speech in their own writing. This is just one example of how technology facilitates collaboration between classrooms and schools, and creates authentic audiences for children’s learning.
Queen Bee Glenside Glenside Middle School Symphonic Band in Queen Bee District 16, Glendale Heights won first place at the state level.
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