Leadership Matters Summer 2015
Greatest Achievement/ Accomplishment
Fremont 79 Dr. Jill Gildea, superintendent
Fremont being recognized as one of 10 "best practices in ed tech deployment" by Digital Promise and SIIA has been Fremont School District 79's greatest achievement or accomplishment. Our work in this area has enhanced our digital learning environment and yields favorable student growth/ outcomes.
Beecher 200 U Nathan Schilling, principal
Beecher Community Unit School District 200U and Beecher High School were named to the 5th Annual Advanced Placement (AP) District Honor Roll this year. This award is given to schools that increase enrollment in AP programs by 11 percent over a three-year period while maintaining the percentage of students earning a 3 of higher on AP Exams. Only 547 school districts across the United States and Canada were selected this year. Beecher High School has increased the number of AP courses offered from two to six in three years with students completing a record 115 AP Exams this spring. Fifty percent of Beecher High School students have consistently scored a 3 or higher on AP Exams.
Leyden Comm HS 212 Dr. Nicholas Polyak, superintendent Leyden students spent seven days teaching and playing with students of all ages at the Casa de Hogar Maximo Cornejo in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico last summer and will return there this summer.
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