Leadership Matters Summer 2015
IASA News in Brief
IEMA Helps Schools Remove Unused Radioactive Materials
More than 60 Illinois schools already have benefitted from a state program that helps schools safely remove unused radioactive materials at no cost. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is encouraging other schools to check for similar materials in storage closets and laboratories and to contact IEMA about collection and disposal.
Types of radioactive materials found in schools are chemical compounds containing uranium or thorium and small solid sealed sources. This material is commonly used in chemistry, physics, and earth science experiments to demonstrate the physical and chemical properties of radioactive material. There is no cost to schools for IEMA’s removal of the materials. A school not using IEMA’s program could pay more than $1,000 for disposal of the material. In addition, a spill of the materials at the school could create extra expenses for cleanup activities. Any schools with unwanted radioactive materials can contact IEMA at (217) 558-5135 for more information about the Orphan Source Recovery Program School Initiative.
IASA’s Clark becomes President of the Association of State Executives
IASA Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark began his one-year term as the President of the Association of State Executives (ASE) on July 1. The ASE includes the executive directors of 49 states and focuses its efforts on developing closer ties with the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), networking and improved communication. The Past President serves as an ex-officio member of the AASA Executive Committee, a role Dr. Clark will fill in 2016. ASE began in 1963 with Illinois, eight other states and Canada forming the Executive Secretaries of State Associations of School Administrators, which later became the Association of Executives of School Administrator Associations (AESAA), the forerunner of ASE.
FY 2016 IASA Membership Drive
The IASA FY 2016 Membership Drive is officially underway!
Click here to renew your membership online.
Please contact Misti Murphy at mmurphy@iasaedu.org with any changes so we can keep our database up to date.
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