Superintendents Toolkit 2013
Note from IASA Director of Communications The suggested talking points and sample letters included in this section of the Superintendent’s Toolkit are designed to provide you with some general talking points on a variety of issues that have arisen throughout the state. In most cases, they would need to be customized with your specific school district information, and we have tried to highlight those areas. Some talking points may not even apply to the situation in your district. In most cases, talking points can easily be turned into letters or vice-versa.
Michael Chamness Director of Communications
Also, it is our suggestion that you always run the talking points and/or letters by your board president, school attorney and, if applicable, your local law enforcement agency to make sure everyone is on the same page and that everyone agrees on the facts. As Director of Communications for IASA, I always am available to assist members with issues that may arise in your district. My email is, the office phone is (217) 753- 2213, and my cell phone is (217) 836-5019. Please do not hesitate to call at any time if I can be of assistance.
Mike Chamness
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