22033 IASA AnnReport for 21-22_hi

Message From Our President

Ridin’ the Storm Out. That song played as I walked to the stage of the IASA Annual Conference in September. As I look back on FY 2022, the words still seem fitting.

Serving as IASA President this past year has afforded me even more opportunities to connect with superintendents across Illinois. I am deeply humbled by this experience. Our state is filled with talented school leaders, and it has been an honor to represent superintendents across IASA’s 21 regions. Hopefully, the heavy lightning and thunder are behind us, and superintendents can focus their time and energy on what we do best—strengthening educational programs, narrowing achievement gaps, improving culture, addressing equity issues, setting goals, leading staff, overseeing finances and moving a school district forward. I know I’m ready to continue that ride. After the experience of the last few years, superintendents can navigate any storm we face.

Superintendents rode out a surge in COVID-19 cases that pushed thousands of students and teachers across the state into quarantine to start the school year. We rode out COVID-19 testing problems, vaccine mandates and fights over masks. We grabbed the handlebars tightly and made sure our districts did not veer off the roadway when local political battles emerged. FY 2022 was a year where superintendents had to ride the storm out. But it wasn’t always cloudy. Schools across the state innovated with technology. Districts created clinics and improved healthcare in their communities. Social-emotional support systems for students, and staff, were amplified. Teaching and learning strategies were revamped. And, without question, many superintendents across our state became even stronger leaders. This past year tested our patience and resolve. It wasn’t easy, but we rode it out. Looking ahead, the forecast isn’t sunny skies everyday. We have serious work to do. What I have always appreciated about IASA is the Association makes sure superintendents don’t face the challenges ahead alone. We have the opportunity to network with peers in our region, at professional development events and virtually. I encourage you to take advantage of those opportunities. The superintendency can be a lonely job—but only if you let it be.

Yours for better schools,

Dr. Jeff Stawick IASA President 2021–2022


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