22033 IASA AnnReport for 21-22_hi

Executive Director’s Note

With a wave of retirements setting in and superintendents transferring districts, many schools will have new leadership to begin Fiscal Year 2023. At least 61 superintendents

mentoring, assistance and training for new and early- career superintendents in the Kaskaskia, Abe Lincoln and Illini regions. In our Professional Development Department, we will say goodbye to Melissa Arney on June 30. Ms. Arney plays a pivotal role behind the scenes in making sure IASA professional development opportunities run smoothly. Ms. Arney is being replaced by Mariah Kendall. Personnel wasn’t the only change in FY 2022 at IASA. Our website, iasaedu.org, underwent a significant makeover. We also added more free legal workshops that are intended to deepen educators knowledge and understanding of pertinent legal matters. Professional development opportunities continued to expand. We added a “Finding Your Way Around IWAS” workshop for new superintendents, and a Budget Amendment/Cash Flow Analysis workshop. In late May, we launched Level Up Leadership, a new cohort for assistant superintendents and central office administrators that begins in September. Networking opportunities also continued to grow with Supt2Supt virtual sessions. To close, I hope you have found the supports and services IASA has offered valuable over the past 12 months. Please reach out anytime if you need assistance. We are here to help you.

are set to retire June 30 and at least 42 other leaders will transfer districts. I want to thank all of the retirees for decades of service to public education. Each of you helped elevate your districts and will leave behind a legacy of leadership and dedication to students. I also want to wish superintendents transferring districts the best of luck on the newest chapter in your leadership journey. Similarly to many school districts across the state, IASA ended Fiscal Year 2022 with a different look than it had at the beginning. Over the last 12 months, IASA said goodbye to three staff members and welcomed four new people to our team. On December 31, Diane Hendren retired from the role of Director of Governmental Relations after 17 years of advocating for public education and IASA members. Ms. Hendren provided IASA with credibility, knowledge and experience at the Illinois statehouse. To fill her shoes, we welcomed Madeline McCune and Emily Warnecke to the team. Ms. McCune and Mrs. Warnecke guided IASA through the spring legislative session and created a Bill Tracker/Analysis Tool that makes it easier for members to follow important legislation. We also said goodbye to Dr. Bill Phillips, who joined IASA in 2012 as a Field Services Director. Dr. Victor Zimmerman, superintendent of Monticello CUSD #25 for the past 15 years, has stepped into the role. He will provide one-on-one

Yours for better schools,

Dr. Brent Clark IASA Executive Director


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