22033 IASA AnnReport for 21-22_hi
timely workshops that meet the ever-changing needs of superintendents, as well as help school leaders get refocused and rejuvenated. During 2021–2022, IASA produced almost 207 academies, workshops, conferences, webinars and other presentations, serving 6,131 attendees. Aspiring Superintendent Academy The IASA Aspiring Superintendent Academy (ASA) is a week-long academy designed for administrators seeking to become a superintendent. Each day includes sessions dealing with topics on School District Leadership, Communications Strategies, School District Planning and Operations, School Finance, Advocacy and Law and Action Planning and Next Steps. Since the program launched in July 2016, 204 principals, assistant superintendents and other central office school administrators have attended this week-long boot camp. The next Academy is scheduled for June 27–July 1, 2022 in Springfield. New Superintendent Services The IASA New Superintendents’ Conference was attended by 54 superintendents in July of 2021. The event is complimentary and is a perfect opportunity to connect with other first-year superintendents, gather vital information and build a support network for your first year on the job. The two-day conference covers a variety of topics, including board relations, school finance, technology, media relations and personal health. IASA Mentoring Program During 2021–22, IASA provided mentors to 74 new superintendents and more than 127 second- and third- year superintendents. We are pleased to provide first-year superintendents with this service at no cost. IASA School for Advanced Leadership Fifteen years ago, an idea was pitched to create a learning opportunity for Illinois superintendents and was initially billed as the University of IASA. Twelve years ago, that idea began to be transformed into a plan and was soon named the IASA School for Advanced Leadership (ISAL).
On December 3, 2010, the initial ISAL class gathered at the IASA headquarters in Springfield to start the maiden voyage of what we believe has been a superior learning experience. The program culminated in August of 2012 with the graduation of 23 ISAL fellows, a talented and diverse group of school leaders that underwent a rigorous two-year immersion into adaptive leadership learning experiences accompanied by highly trained coaches. At this point in time, six ISAL classes and a total of 150 ISAL fellows have successfully completed the two-year cohorts. The ISAL VI cohort was launched in March of 2021 with 26 members and a virtual graduation was held in June. The IASA School for Advanced Leadership continues to accomplish its mission by providing quality professional development for practicing superintendents in unique and challenging ways. The two-year ISAL cohort includes: • A professional coach; • Developing a personalized professional growth plan for student achievement; and • Conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to determine district and leadership needs. ISAL also studies the superintendent’s role through five leadership lenses: facilitator of shared moral purpose, change agent, relationship/culture promoter, capacity builder, and coherence maker. Superintendents needing more information can contact ISAL’s Facilitator, Dr. Gary Zabilka at gzabilka@iasaedu.org. Communications Members have direct access to Jason Nevel, Director of Social Media and Publications, for consultation and assistance in developing talking points, media statements or messages to parents. In addition, IASA’s online monthly magazine, Leadership Matters , is one of IASA’s main communications vehicles. The magazine includes messages from IASA Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark, as well as stories about innovative, successful programs from peers throughout the state and issues important to public education in Illinois.
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