22033 IASA AnnReport for 21-22_hi

Member Benefits... continued

Ways to Stay Connected with IASA There are a variety of ways you can stay connected with IASA. Twitter: Keep up with IASA on Twitter by following @IllinoisASA and staff member accounts: Executive Director @docclark05; General Counsel @ChadPWatkins; Professional Development @drorzel; Government Relations @MadMcCune_IL, @MrsWarnecke and @IllinoisASAGR. Website: IASA’s redesigned website (iasaedu.org) is your go- to source for all information about IASA. The website includes information about professional development, governmental relations, communications, membership, legal services, corporate partnerships, sponsored programs, a calendar of events, online registration for conferences and more. Certain information on the IASA website is exclusive to members and requires a login. Your login information can be found on your membership card or obtained by contacting the IASA office. Eye on Education: This resource continues to be popular with members. Track late breaking news and information through the electronic news feed Eye On Education delivered to you daily via email. IASA Mobile App: The IASA App is the easiest way to access information about IASA programs and services. The app is free to use and can be downloaded on Google Play or the Apple App Store (search for IllinoisASA). IASA Podcasts: IASA on a regular basis produces podcasts on important issues facing public education in Illinois. You can access these podcasts at iasaedu.org, the IASA mobile app, or by subscribing on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or other places you get podcasts. Legislative Advocacy As a statewide association, IASA is a united voice for superintendents in the Illinois General Assembly. We work tirelessly to advocate for legislation that will improve education in our state and benefit our members. IASA employs a full-time Director of Governmental Relations, Madeline McCune, and a full-time Director of Public Relations/Deputy

Director of Government Relations, Emily Warnecke. The latter position was added in January 2022. Whenever issues of interest or importance happen at the State Capitol, the IASA will provide members with not only the facts, but also an analysis regarding what legislative proposals mean, potential impacts and what counter-proposals might emerge. The Capitol Watch reports are timely, delivered electronically and only available to IASA members. IASA unveiled a new Bill Tracker/Analysis tool in 2022 that is exclusive to IASA membership and can be found at iasaedu. org. Networking Opportunities with Colleagues The IASA Annual Conference is held in the fall of each year. In addition to national-level speakers and professional development opportunities, this event offers unique opportunities to network with colleagues from around the state. Monthly region meetings offer regular opportunities to communicate with peers about timely issues common to educational leaders. Lastly, IASA hosts virtual Supt2Supt sessions that provide members an opportunity to connect online with their peers from across the state and discuss

complex topics in a safe environment. IASA Annual Conference The IASA Annual Conference offers members the

opportunity to hear from nationally known speakers as well as participate in breakout sessions and other professional development opportunities. The 2022 Annual Conference is scheduled for September 28–30, 2022. This year’s conference will be held at The President Abraham Lincoln Springfield—a Double Tree by Hilton hotel and the BOS Center.


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