IASA Annual Report FY2017
BUSINESS MEETING minutes annual
2016 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary’s Report consists of the Minutes of the IASA Annual Business Meeting held on Friday, September 30, 2016. I. Call to Order and Declare a Quorum is Present—President Derek Hutchins President Derek Hutchins called the meeting to order at 9:55 a.m. A quorum was present. II. Acknowledgment of Dr. Jason D. Henry as Parliamentarian President Hutchins appointed Dr. Jason D. Henry, Superintendent of Sesser-Valier Comm #196, to serve as Parliamentarian of the Annual Business Meeting. III. Approval of the October 2, 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes There being no changes, a motion was made by Ms. Victoria L. Tabbert, seconded by Dr. Kevin J. O’Mara, to approve the October 2, 2015 Annual Business Meeting Minutes as presented. The motion carried by a voice vote. IV. 2016 Annual Report A. General Finances of the Association—Dr. Sheila Harrison- Williams, Treasurer Dr. Sheila Harrison-Williams reported on the financial health of the association noting that IASA again finished the year ending June 30, 2016 in sound financial condition. She added the auditors noted the annual audit revealed no material findings or irregularities. Dr. Harrison-Williams thanked the members of the Budget Committee for their service and acknowledged the honor it is to serve as Treasurer again this past year. B. Executive Director’s Report—State of the Association Report— Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director, thanked the Board of Directors and IASA staff for their service this past year. He highlighted some of the events the past year which included but were not limited to: • Inaugural IASA Aspiring Superintendent Academy (ASA)— attended by 40 eager administrators in July 2016; ASA 2.0 will be held in mid-July 2017. • IASA School for Advanced Leadership (ISAL) III—40 superintendents graduated in May 2016 - ISAL is a network of school administrators helping each other grow, with 73 ISAL Fellows. Applications are available for ISAL IV that starts in January 2017. • Engagement in June with the General Assembly—great response by superintendents to get a Pre-K12 education budget passed;
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