LM Aug.2018
On August 9th, education stakeholders from across Illinois gathered to reflect on achievements and plan for new initiatives in the public-policy education platform Vision 20/20. Representatives from the Illinois Association of School Administrators, Illinois Association of School Boards, Illinois Principals Association, Illinois Association of School Business Officials, Illinois Association of Regional School Superintendents and Superintendents Commission for the Study of Demographics and Diversity attended the planning meeting to review the four pillars of Vision 20/20 with the intended goal of providing a more equitable and adequate education for Illinois school children. The meeting was held at the Illinois Association of School Administrators headquarters. The stakeholders outlined some of the successes achieved since the initial launch of Vision 20/20, including the enactment of the state Evidence-Based Funding Formula, Illinois Balanced Accountability Measures, teacher reciprocity as a means to deal with the current teacher shortage, school safety initiatives and expansion of high-speed internet for districts. While it was identified that much has been accomplished in the five years since Vision 20/20 was launched in the summer of 2013, stakeholders reviewed successes as work begins to refocus efforts on other public education priorities and advocacy initiatives. By Mary Schaefer IASA Director of Communications & Marketing Vision20/20 StakeholdersMeet to PlanNewInitiatives
“There definitely was an affirmative outcome from this meeting to continue advancing the positive momentum of the Illinois Vision 20/20 Initiative that was started in 2013,” said Ralph Grimm, Vision 20/20 Director. “The ideas generated at this meeting will become the foundation for future planning discussions about public education in the state.” Dr. John Gatta, Chief Executive Officer of the ECRA Group, facilitated the discussions, inviting attendees to think about the future vision of public education and to review, what kinds of legislative actions might need to be accomplished to help advance initiatives for public education in the future. “The stakeholders’ job is to continue to tell the story and keep Vision 20/20 alive and also rebrand and remind individuals this is about change and putting students at the center of all policy making,” said Gatta. “Vision 20/20 is always about how we can advocate for students by advancing policies that remove barriers.” Attendees reviewed the four pillars outlined in the Vision 20/20 policy platform to determine what additional action needs to occur in these areas. The four pillars include: Equitable and Adequate Funding, Highly Effective Educators, 21st Century Learning and Shared Accountability. “Throughout the day-long meeting, education stakeholders together laid the foundation for future education goals and potential legislation for the next two years,” said Grimm. “There was a tremendous amount of discussion and positive creativity in the room to help guide some of the remaining work that needs to be considered over the next few years as we align advocacy efforts in Illinois.” Gatta reminded all that the Vision 20/20 website is accessible at: https://illinoisvision2020.org/ . ECRA will continue to track all of the outcomes and results of the program’s initiatives and continue to tell the story of the positive work being done including continuing to build upon the brand of Vision 20/20. “We want to keep the energy level of Vision 20/20 high as we continue on the course to advocate for students and public education in Illinois,” said Gatta.
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