LM Jan 2023_hi

PD ... cont’d.

Problem-Solving and Collective Bargaining Using an Interest-Based Approach AA 3782

Professional Development

Collective bargaining in your district does not have to be an adversarial process. This IASA academy can help administrators, board members and association (union) members better understand how a collaborative approach to solving problems can help your school district amicably reach results that will be lasting and durable.

Specifically, the course provides participants information on the three main components of Interest-Based Bargaining: Training, “Communication Lab” and Bargaining. Presented by Ralph Grimm and Pat Durley Upcoming dates: February 7 and February 9 info•register

Health Life Safety Compliance An Administrator’s Guide to the Fundamentals AA #3700 Offered Online via Zoom

Professional Development

IASA’s Health Life Safety Compliance Academy: An Administrators Guide to the Fundamentals returns in 2023 with two more sessions! Participants will develop strategies to reduce your district’s liability, engage stakeholders, learn the financial do’s and don’ts, as well as undertake a deep dive into your current 10 year HLS surveys and IWAS. This academy is activity- and collaboration-filled, where participants learn “the meat and potatoes” of health life safety and

compliance in Illinois. In addition, participants receive useful take back summary and guidance documents. Presented by Ralph Grimm and Pat Durley Upcoming dates: March 9 and May 31 info•register

Leadership Strand Why Your Why Matters AA 1445

IASA’s popular leadership academy strand focusing on your Why returns with five new sessions. Whether you’ve experienced a Why session before, or you’re taking Why Your Why Matters for the first time, register today and join your colleagues around the state to network, collaborate and reflect on why being an educator is the most important profession on Earth! The first of five sessions will be held virtually on December 6. The series continues with four more sessions, both online and virtually, through June 22, 2023.

Presented by: Dr. Courtney Orzel, IASA Associate Director of Professional Development. Upcoming Dates: • March 13, online; ; • June 8, in person (Springfield); • June 20, Schaumburg; • June 22, online


16 LM January 2023

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